Friday, August 14, 2015

Videos on these discussions

I have done a lot of videos and sessions on UPSC Prep and other things. Giving the link of my channel where I have tried to incorporate all sorts of videos

I have tried to post where which discuss answer-writing and essay and ethics etc and other related things. Hope it helps!

I hope the videos posted there solve most of your queries. Best of luck for your prep! Hope you all achieve the success you desire!


  1. Thank you ma'm.
    Though I am from Ahmadabad, I miss opportunity to listen you personally and congratulate you.
    Thank you for this kind of support.

  2. Thank you ma'm.
    Though I am from Ahmadabad, I miss opportunity to listen you personally and congratulate you.
    Thank you for this kind of support.

    1. madam u hav put up only 6-7 books.madam plz put up the others too rest 30-40 books..bcoz these days questions are too complicated like epigene cycle of erosion in paper 1 of geography optional..madam plz

    2. madam its my humble request and this is my email id

    3. Pavnit, Epigene cycle is just another name for King's cycle of erosion! It is not a complicated question, they just try to confuse you. There is no solution for that unfortunately. They did the same thing with Penck's cycle a few years by giving its German names instead of English ones! I have mentioned all the books I found relevant and repeat read for the subject. Please remember that when I started my prep, Optional papers used to be a part of Prelims and the course was very different from Mains! We had to prepare world regional, cartography and evolution of geographical thought as well. So you don't need any of those anymore. Most of the other books were on these topics. You can get everything you need as per the syllabus in the books I have mentioned, except for Paper 2 for which I never actually referred to any book. Plus there is all the coaching material to read. I have mentioned all of this in my blog. If you count, those are more than 6-7 books...NCERTs alone are more than 15 if you count them - Old and New from 6-12! Also, please understand that I do have left messages to me everywhere at 1-2 am and then sent messages saying maam please respond within the hour! I do sleep and I sleep more than 1 hour a night! If you are this impatient, how will you ever prepare for the exam?? With a subject like Geography you will need immense amount of patience! I hope you get more calm as you prepare for the exam. Best of luck!

  3. Ma'm ,in your previous blog you mentioned about coaching. You took coaching for Pub admin too. I selected Pub admin as my optional, will guide for good coaching class in Delhi as I am coming to Delhi in next October for coaching.
    Thank you

    1. Sorry, cannot guide regarding coachings in Delhi...I last took it in 2010..things have changed considerably since then! Please check on some forums etc. Best of luck!

    2. Okay ma'm. Thank you. I'm very glad and feeling lucky that you are reading all my silly questions and still guiding for Better way.
      Heartly thank you ma'm

    3. Okay ma'm. Thank you. I'm very glad and feeling lucky that you are reading all my silly questions and still guiding for Better way.
      Heartly thank you ma'm

    4. Okay ma'm. Thank you. I'm very glad and feeling lucky that you are reading all my silly questions and still guiding for Better way.
      Heartly thank you ma'm

    5. Thanks didi for prelims suggestion topics. Could you tell me about mains .

  4. Ma'm as u mentioned in one of mrunal videos that u can teach Geography for prelims in three hours.. At this crucial juncture can u help us by making some ppts or videos or ant thing like that.. We will be really indebted to u for this.. Thanks

    1. I can do it personally, not through videos. When teaching it to someone face to face, you can target your teaching to them and it goes faster. Sorry, cant make any ppts or videos. But other people have already made a lot of brilliant videos and notes etc on various topics of geography which are freely available online. You can check them. Best of luck!

  5. Hello Iraji

    I have been going through all your videos to get to know about answer writing.
    You have already mentioned about not having to worry about the length of the answer or the language & that you didn't stick to the structure of a proper introduction, following it up with solid content & ending it with a conclusion.

    But still I needed to ask you.Could you please tell me if I have to chip in my suggestion/opinion even if the question doesn't explicitly or even implicitly asks me to?

    And I know I am asking too much of you.But could you please post one of your answers to any question from any of the gs papers of 2014?

    You talked about the 'Panipat' question,about how you have to base your answer on not just historical but geographical & economic point of view as well.

    Again I know am asking too much of you but could you please upload the answer to it.I do have some points but then again not sure about writing a good answer.
    Am a science student,so don't feel I can write good enough to get me good marks.
    The only answer writing I did was way back in school & even then I could never make myself to write an introduction & conclusion,would sort of start writing all the relevant points in a bullet form.Not sure if that's gonna work for mains.

    Could you please advise me how to improve upon my answers?

    Like about the Panipat question I was thinking that with the northwest being the entry point for invaders & Punjab beyond the control of the authority in Delhi,Panipat was strategically located,kind of an entry point for one who wishes to take over Delhi, thereby
    rule over the core region essential to establishing an empire.

    Need for Delhi to be conquered could be explained by being vital to building a strong empire by controlling the trade routes to the east & the west,the resource rich region in terms of metals from Chhotanagpur region & fertile alluvial rich region of the middle & upper Ganga valley which would in turn fetch huge revenues so essential to maintaining a huge standing army essential for further expansion & consolidation.

    Could you please help me as to what's wrong with my answer & how to better it?

    Sorry have been going on for this long.Hoping to get a reply from you on soon.

    1. Your answer misses the point on the Panipat question. It is mainly cause this was the first point where the Indian kingdoms could stop the invaders. It was a desert to the west of this so tough to transport logistics for the armies. And this being the edge of the fertile valley plains, most kingdoms stretched till here. Also the invaders who were coming were better prepared for the desertic environment, so they could defeat the small insignificant kingdoms that came in their paths easily till this point. This start of the fertile plain allowed for strong kingdoms and hence stronger defending armies and so made for significant battles. And most of the population lived in the plains as well.

      Anyway, I dont have any sample answers so can't help you there. You are not yet thinking broadly in your answers so start from there. Yes, it is a good idea to give your opinion. They actually are asking you for your opinion! Why else would they ask you to write the answers if they didnt want that? :) So feel free to give them whatever you wish to convey even if not expressly mentioned. Writing in bullet is fine, just that it wont be possible for all questions. So prepare a bit for those. But the whole starting and ending isn't needed as there really isnt much time and they are looking more for content that anything else. Presentation matters but only such that you give an easy to read answer. Hope this answers all your dilemmas! Best of luck!

  6. Congratulations mam for your success.
    Mam I am confused between pub ad and geography. Considering the recent trend what you suggest. I have no background of either of the subjects. Please mam guide me.

    1. People clear with every subject. Try reading the course of both and see which one you like better. They both form a big part of GS syllabus as well. Choose the one you can fall in love with and do again and again. Best of Luck!

  7. Hi Ira,
    My name is Ravi and I have quit my job too :) I have been preparing for the exam.
    It was great to watch the discussion video posted on YouTube. I really enjoyed and learnt some things from it.
    Your thoughts about the identity of a person really go along with my ideology and it reassured me.
    Most aspirants and people think clearing the exam as the ultimate achievement. We really need to change this thought.
    Thanks for sharing, and will be seeking guidance in future.

    1. Thank you and You're welcome :) Best of luck!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Heartiest congratulation mam !

    I am very proud to have such eminent personality between us and to whom we can interact as well.

    This blog is a source of inspiration for all of us.
    Please keep posting your ideas.

    Thank you :)

  12. Thanks IRS

    There is any thing special about Hindi medium. What special we do plz

  13. Bcoz no good news paper nothing on net in Hindi
    So what we do

    1. Please ask the candidates who have cleared with Hindi. I am not very updated about the medium. Best of luck!

  14. Congratulation mam...!!
    As you love reading novel, please suggest me some wonderful novels which I should read.
    Any online resource you know novels related.

    1. Thank you :) There are many free apps on the phones and free sites which offer free books...try ...they post free books for every day!

  15. Plz make videos on Geo. as it is matter of just 3 hrs and will help all aspirants a lot. Personally, I'm finding difficulty in it. Plz mam, humble request.

  16. Plz make videos on Geo. as it is matter of just 3 hrs and will help all aspirants a lot. Personally, I'm finding difficulty in it. Plz mam, humble request.

    1. I hope you understand that making teaching videos is NOT a matter of the time that they run for! It takes almost 5 times as much time! It is not just a matter of 3 hours! It takes atleast 7-8 hours to prepare the syllabus to teach, then to decide the correct way to teach it so that the maximum number of people can understand it and then to actually make the video and edit would all take atleast 3-4 days. I am sorry, I don't have that much time. Teaching personally is very different from making a video about something. Also, there are already enough and very nicely done videos by other people on various topics of geography. It would be redundant for me to repeat them. Please find them on youtube. Best of luck :)

    2. You are right Ira.. Fellow aspriants please dont pain her..

      Try to ask some good questions.. and make to respond back.. Instead of forcing someone to do things.. If we are doing so, there are chance she might be insterested anymore to guide us..

    3. Very nice blogger yar...
      Govt jobs के लिए लिंक पर जाए बहुत अच्छी site हैं..
      Technical support ya blogging के लिए देखे

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Mam m highly inspired by you I have always dreamt of becoming an ias officer since I was in school, as of now m doing btech but I would like to take on ias coaching after btech so which coaching institutes in Delhi are best for it.plz guide me nd I wud like to take geography so wat r da best course materials for it?

    1. Don't waste your time in coaching institutes. ...

    2. I woud suggest you first get some kind of a job other than UPSC CSE before you give your attempt. Getting a job helps. I don't know much about coaching institutes so sorry, can't help you there. I have mentioned everything I studied for geography in the booklist I posted. Please check there. Best of luck!

  19. First of all I felicitate you on your deserving success and your success is unique because it is inspirational. . Can you please suggest me minimum number of books as I am ready to take risk with few number of books (for geography optional )because I don't want this exam to become a burden for me but yeah I also have a passion and desire to be one of those who qualify it.. Thanks ..

    1. Thank you. I have given the booklist in another post. I don't know if you can actually do less than these because I am a minimalist myself. These cover different parts of the syllabus. Maybe you can skip the economic geography and models and theories part but I don't recommend even that. If you are already scared of reading, then you might not be able to stand the amount of stuff you have to do for GS, let alone Geography. Geography as an optional has the biggest course so if you don't want to read too much, try some other optional. Please understand this exam does require a lot of reading, months and months! Best of luck!

  20. mam can you pls mention the writer name of old ncert for world history??? as Arjun dev and some other writers photocopy also available?/

    1. Arjun Dev was it I think. These are books from before 2000. Best of luck!

  21. i would like to start upsc exam but i don't know at where my preparation is to start,,,so please guide me madam..thank u for your such a motivational talk...

    1. Please look at the course, pick any topic, collect the material for it and start studying! Best of luck!

  22. Can you just provide the points which you have written for Panipat Question ?
    Wondering about geography and that question.Thanks you.

    1. I don't remember now! The point is NOT the one question. The point is to think from all angles :)

  23. Hi mam,

    I just saw your video on ias-top100 with Sandeep Gupta. They are conducting a 100 hour session for mains. M not sure whether to go for it or not. Could u plz give sm inputs.

  24. They sound promising at the first look with their inter disciplinary approach. However, 100 hours after prelims result is a bit too much for me to devote. Need your inputs on this.

    1. I hope you managed to solve your dilemma :) Best of luck!

  25. Mam I'm confuse about age limit .it can change from 2016.plz mam give me information about this.

    1. Please understand that I DO NOT work for UPSC or DoPT! It is a high level government decision and I am obviously not privy to such things! Best of luck! Hope you are able to give it :)

  26. Mam I'm confuse about age limit .it can change from 2016.plz mam give me information about this.

  27. Mam,
    Really thankful for your guidelines.

    I am preparing on my own, having a geography optional.
    Mam could you please write one or two questions , scan them and put a sample here on your page.
    So that others and I also could have an idea of basically how to write a good answer in geography optional.

    I searched on web and found many ways of attempting an answer even read some blogs of an old toppers Mr.Abhiram AIR 4/CSE 2010 and IAS MG Kumar Rao’s blogs, but its almost a gap between 2010 and 2015 attempt.

    If you could provide some answers samples , It will really be a beneficial.(esp how you attempted them format and content with some examples)

    please if you can provide.

    A Theory based
    An Open Ended
    Geographical Thought
    and one you felt little dicey.

    Ma'am will be Waiting.

    1. I am sorry, I don't have any sample answers. I hope you get what you want elsewhere. Best of luck!

  28. Mam, a small articles of your written on my blog please do read it and comment your view

    Thank you,
    Sharoz Dawa

  29. Ma'am

    I need some clarification over the framework of answer writing.. if question contains
    2.Critically examine/analyze.
    3. Evaluate
    please give ur valuable suggestion so that I can structure my opinion in exam in better way.

    will wait for ur reply..

    1. There is not much difference. Take all of them as Critically Analyze. Best of luck!

  30. hello Ma'am First of All i want to congratulate you to come out with flying colours.
    I am sarbjeet From Jammu. Ma'am I am also preparing for the CIvils, Can you please suggest me How to Boost up the Morale As i did Face a series of failures and lagging my congfidence drastically.

  31. Hello ma'am..

    Congrats for your achievement...

    I have started preparing for civil service just a month ago.. I have a dilemma whether it is really advisable for me to prepare for IAS as I am already at the age of 29..
    Though I have tried giving 100% of my efforts, somehow the above question comes to my mind and hinders my preparations every now and then.

    So I need your suggestion whether it is ok to start preparing at this age(29)...

    I would be really grateful if you could give a piece of advice...


    1. It is never too late for anything! If you really want it, then sure go ahead! But do make sure you have a backup career option. Best of luck :)

  32. Thankyou mam for the blog and for guiding us.

  33. Hello madam this is sridatta. First of all congratulations madam. Currently I am in final year of my engineering. I want to prepare for cse but u don't know where to start from. So I need your help madam. Please tell me how to prepare prilims first

    1. There is no difference in mains and prelims. just a few extra topics in both...but it is largely the same. For starting somewhere, please look at the course, pick any topic, collect the material for it and start studying! Best of luck!

  34. Hello maa'm, I m Uday... I will be writing my mains with geography as a optional in Dec 2015... This is my first experience of mains... However I m not prepared more than 20 percent for geography.. Same is the case for GS subjects.. So, really do not know which books should I read for my geography optional henceforth so that my most of the portion is covered... Maa'm I request you that plz put booklist for every different bit like climatology, oceanography, environmental geography, etc of both paper 1 and 2.. Maa'm it will really helpful for me...

    1. I had already mentioned ALL the topic-wise books on this blog! I hope you went through them. Hope you got an interview call. Best of luck :)

  35. Ma'm plz कोई inspirational book बताइये ....जो आपको सबसे अच्छी लगी हो....यदि book list ज्यादा लम्बी हो तो author name बता दीजिये.....thank you ma'm

    1. I am sorry, I have never read any motivational books. Maybe you can search online! Best of luck :)

  36. Mam upsc( ias) preparation के लिए जरूरी किताबे जो आपके हिसाब से पड़ना अत्यंत आवश्यक हो ,exam clear करने के लिए कृपया उसकी लिस्ट बताने का कष्ट करें ,क्योकि इंटरनेट मे अलग अलग websites मे अलग अलग किताबे रिकमेंड किए जाते हैं जिससे confusion हो जाता है ,so please help mam ,और कृपया study strategy guideline देने की महान कृपा करें धन्यवाद ,मेरा ईमेल address और

    1. I have already given my booklist on this blog. I hope you went through that. Best of luck :)

  37. Ma'am , How does it helps choosing any of the GS subject as optional than any other subject. Since , I am a science graduate , I wanted to know whether I should opt for a sub like history/geography/ or any of my grad subjects. Which would be better.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. MAM,this year 2015 mains geography paper 1 was little tough when compared to 2014 bcoz of more weightage given to human geography...its like how many times i read ...human geography is hard for me to catch up..can u give some tips for human geography ....

    1. I am sorry, that is a very vast question! There are no tips! Just go deeper into the topics more than you have till now. Best of luck :)

  40. Respected Mam, I appeared Civil Service 2015 as PH(HI). I wrote in Bengali medium. If I qualify for interview can I able to answer interview in Bengali medium is without English background convey bad impression? I am from very very remote area never get the opportunity to learn English.

    1. I am not sure. You will have to write to UPSC or Call them and check on this. Best of luck :)

  41. Hi mam I'm currently under hypotonic disorder is there is any special quota for me in upsc service . any physical requirements are needed for IAS exam. Reply me mam.thank you mam.

    1. Do you have a disability certificate? If it is, then it will be covered. Else no. Best of luck :)

  42. Respected Mam, I'm studyimg year.Can I attempt for Prelims in coming August month and also give me suggestions for preparing and booklist for prelims.

    1. There is no difference in mains and prelims. just a few extra topics in both...but it is largely the same. For starting somewhere, please look at the course, pick any topic, collect the material for it and start studying! I have mentioned the books I studied on this blog itself. Best of luck!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Hi Ira Mam...I have messaged you in FB regarding medical examination, I am a successful candidate of CSE-2014 but right now stumbled in the medical process, kindly provide me your mail id...i need your maid id is

  46. Hello ma'am am sandhya from hyderabad.iam doing my graduation final year i want attempt civils but i have no idea about choising optional subjects iam a b.a student and ia it poaaible to prepare for prelims in 3 montha of time

    1. Everything is possible. I have discussed choosing optional in the videos...please refer to them. Best of luck!

  47. I hope you know that we don't actually GET BACK our papers!! It is impossible for me to share it!

  48. Hi mam I have cerebral palsy and both my legs are affected still I can walk with support n stand with support I aim for IAS but I doubt whether I will be disqualified on my physical ground please help me what shall I do who can assure me

  49. Hi mam I have cerebral palsy and both my legs are affected still I can walk with support n stand with support I aim for IAS but I doubt whether I will be disqualified on my physical ground please help me what shall I do who can assure me

  50. Hello ma'am,
    I have just completed my class 12th with PCM stream. I want to appear in UPSC exam after graduation. Can you please suggest which subjects for graduation are best suited for UPSC exam? Right now I'm preparing for CLAT.

  51. Hello ma'am,
    I have just completed my class 12th with PCM stream. I want to appear in UPSC exam after graduation. Can you please suggest which subjects for graduation are best suited for UPSC exam? Right now I'm preparing for CLAT.

  52. Mam....what are the all online resources you have gone in your preparation?

  53. MAM, i passed out 12th from cbse in 2014,..i was good in social studies since childhood scored 10 cgpa in social in 10th standard and always scored healthy marks in social studies in all standards..but maths and science always sucked..they were and are haunting dreams for me i just barely managed to pass ..then in 11th standard i failed in PCM and repeated 1 year then after i studied PCM scincerely and managed to clear 12th class with 85% ..english -95,M-86 ,C-87..physics still 66..
    then due to family pressure i was forced to prepare for iit jee in kota..i wasted 2 years there( tottaly isolated,no fb,no whatsapp,no internet ,no freinds) but couldnt gain anything ..i feel that i dont have genes of problrm solving of maths..still able to do chem bcz i can understand concepts clearly..
    Yesterday when CSE result came out it reminded me my childhood dream..mam i m in total depressed condition and cant see hope anywhere..
    i m need right guidance for my career MAM, ASAP u get time ..plz respond me to my email id
    my name is Utkarsh yadav.
    thanks mam ur blogs are very helpfull.

  54. Dear Respected Mam. I am doing graduation during private jobs due to money problem. Plz tell mam. Will creat any problem in upsc?. Plz suggest any coaching for history subject?.. Thanks mam

  55. Mam pls suggest me how to prepare for essay writing. I dont have any idea regarding this pls suggest

  56. Mam pls suggest me how to prepare for essay writing. I dont have any idea regarding this pls suggest

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Hi mam...
    I am confused about taking coaching or not .I have done BE in electrical engineering . someone tell that for mains electrical paper is tough and low scoring so which paper is ideal for me. I have just started preparation self so how should I proceed. Need some guidance. Please.
    I too much inspired by you.... Thank you

  59. Ma'am I am 17 year old and pursuing my B.Tech. from MNNIT ALLAHABAD(THIRD YEAR) and i want to start preparation for civil servives.and i have schooled in hindi medium and currently in college it's english medium ,so firstly
    1.In which medium i should have to give exam
    2. How to choose optional as i m pursuing degree in ECE and it's not an optional so is it good to take mathematics as optional or not.
    3.How to meet you in person???
    (For guidance)

    Please reply ,ma'am

  60. Ma'am my optional is geography please some guidence regarding this
    How to read and form where to read please suggest some books ..I am with Hindi medium

  61. Ma'am my optional is geography please some guidence regarding this
    How to read and form where to read please suggest some books ..I am with Hindi medium

  62. Ma'am you are so helpful to us..please keep guiding us����☺

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. HELLO Ma'am...Congratulation..

    Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring, I wish you many years of great achievements...

    Ma'am , Is it a better idea to choose ""ACCOUNTS "" as an optional paper??
    Presently i am doing BBA...
    What will be the consequences if i opt ACCOUNTS as an optional paper??

    During SPIPA, you had discussed of not choosing ACCOUNTS as your own optional paper being the student of MBA....
    One last question, is the syllabus of account too lenghty or vast??

    Ma,am please help me in regard of this...i am totally confused..

  65. Hii mam.,
    I m Yash. Start preparation for civil service exam my graduation will complete in 2020 then what is strategy for exam??? & exam patten,syllabus will change ?? & what about optional?

  66. Hii mam.,
    I m Yash. Start preparation for civil service exam my graduation will complete in 2020 then what is strategy for exam??? & exam patten,syllabus will change ?? & what about optional?

  67. A lot of thanks mam.u r really a very very broad minded.

  68. Hello Mam I m in Final year of engg. Nd Now my focus is on IAS
    Please can u help me out on the basics of preparation.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Mam self study Korbo without any coaching center onlion help nibo
    Plz suggest me some online side that help me

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